Dublin: 9 °C Monday 31 March, 2025

There's a blog celebrating Ireland's ridiest election candidates

Hot politicians in YOUR area want to chat with you. Really, they do. They’re up for election.

SPOT SOME QUITE ridey election candidates in your area? You’re not alone. This year’s crop of candidates are quite the handsome bunch.

Some amazing individuals have set up Irish Election Rides, a blog “to look at people we think are physically attractive who are also seeking election”.

There is a disclaimer though:

Please don’t make up your mind on who to vote for by how they look. That’s just silly.

Here are just some of the delights on offer.

Gavin Nugent (Independent – Gorey)

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Claire Byrne (Green Party – Pembroke South Dock)

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Amazing fringe, Claire.

Frank Kennedy (Fianna Fáil – Pembroke South Dock)

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Nadine Meisonnave (Fine Gael – Pembroke South Dock)

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Dominic Mac Conraí (Sinn Féin – Rathgar/Rathmines)

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Sarah Ryan (Fianna Fáil – Dundrum)

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Donnachadh Ó Laoghaire (Sinn Féin – Ballincollig/Carrigaline)

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It looks like Pembroke South Dock is the constituency with the highest concentration of confirmed rides, but we are open to correction here.

So far, we have discovered only one candidate disappointed to not be featured:

Don’t worry Paul. Your time will come. Suggest yourself by emailing ridesuggestions@gmail.com.

Read: On The Trail – 7 odd, weird and wonderful things from Election 2014>

Spoof local election poster is equal parts creepy and wonderful>

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